Along the South bank of Themes
  • 15 stops
  • 2 hours
  • 3.9 km
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Even at the times, when the South bank was a home for the most poor and uneducated inhabitants of London, this area was one of the most bright cultural sports of the British capital. The bank of Thames had become a home for many theaters, including the Globe, where many of Shakespeare’s plays were presented for the first time. The spirit of the great writer is still living in the area: Shakespeare is considered to be the regular guest of the local pubs, Borough Market and of the Southwark cathedral. Today the South bank of Themes attracts the modern art lovers – here you can find the main trends of the modern architecture and design.

Reviews and ratings
Sep 4, 2019 Tourist
Wonderful! This is a “must see” tour. The walk along the riverside was so enjoyable. Inexpensive food stalls with different ethnic food choices as well. Great place to picnic during the tour