Around Sforza Castle
  • 11 stops
  • 2 hours
  • 3.6 km
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This itinerary will lead us through the most cherished places for the Milanese, places that constitute Milan's vast and complex identity.
We will start with the Castello Sforzesco, which for three centuries had been the Duchy of Milan's political and military center. Then we'll explore the secrets behind one of the most famous artworks in history: Leonardo's Last Supper. In the Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio, which contains the remains of Milan's patron saint, we'll contemplate the city's spiritual life. Although the Duomo may be more impressive architecturally, it was St. Ambrose and the church associated with him that had once made Milan the religious capital of the Roman Empire. We will move on to learn about the Italian Stock Exchange and how Milan has become the financial heart of Italy. Finally, we will discover the treasures of the Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, the first Milanese art gallery that opened to the public.

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