Old Town Square of Prague
  • 21 stops
  • 1 hour
  • 1.3 km
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The Czech Republic, and its capital Prague, lie at the very heart of Europe – and at the heart of Prague is Old Town Square, which Czechs themselves know as Stare Mesto. You can get to the city-centre of Prague by entering through Old Fortress gates – the Powder Tower – and following old streets where royal processions once trod, and seeing their medieval buildings close-built one upon another. Nearby there is the former merchant's yard, Ungelt – which some say even pre-dates the thousand-year-old city of Prague itself. And then we come to Old Town Square itself – the centre of both medieval and contemporary Prague, a treasury of architecture of many different ages, and witness to events that have been both magnificent and turbulent. The very stones here breathe the nation's history, that have seen the fate of many thousands of its people. And here you'll see Prague's proudest sight – the Clock-Face on the tower of the Town Hall.