  • 15 stops
  • 1 hour
  • 1.5 km
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This excursion takes you through parts of Rome that few tourists ever find. In front
of you is a view of medieval Rome – harmonious and complete, although its
architecture, by contract with Ancient Roman building, isn't on such a large scale.
We'll start our excursion at Piazza Argentina, one of Rome's most beautiful squares.
Our route will take us through the narrow streets of the Mattei Quarter, which is
has a great many medieval legends connected with it.
After that we'll be able to see the famous Cenci palace, where we'll hear more of the
tragic story of the young beauty, Beatrice Cenci.
You'll quickly identify the area of the former Roman Jewish ghetto from some of
the buildings there. You'll see the building of the Roman synagogue, and hear some
of the darker pages of Rome's history.
The next spot to attract your attention will be the the extraordinary and grandiose
Marcella Theatre, which was built to honour an Imperial heir who never finally
came to the throne.
Our excursion ends among the charming little squares of Rome, where we find the
palaces of Rome's former nobility.