Trieste of Art Nouveau period
  • 15 stops
  • 1 hour
  • 2.4 km
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Most visitors to Rome are lured by the picturesque ancient ruins or the great baroque architecture. Many like to dodge the afternoon heat by slipping into a cool church to get a look at examples of early Christian art. But there are relatively few who take an interest in the monuments of the late XIX and early XX centuries. Yet among these there are several wonderful examples of Art Nouveau architecture, which is known in Italy as "Liberty". Many of these buildings can be found in Trieste, a district of embassies and residences of leading bankers and lawyers. These houses are a statement of the respectability of their owners. In this part of Rome we can see whole ensembles of houses in the Liberty style, created by one of the greatest architects of the age – Gino Coppede.

Reviews and ratings
Oct 1, 2017 azbotravel
Very interesting