The Peter and Paul Fortress
  • 18 stops
  • 1 hour
  • 1.3 km
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The Peter and Paul Fortress is located directly at the centre of the city. From this small original first construction a whole city structure later developed over time, covering dozens of other islands. But the whole thing started on a small outcrop of land with the peculiar name of Hare's Island.
We introduce a magnificent guided walk around the historic core of the city of St. Petersburg – during which we'll find out how the city first began, how the builders of its first edifice built it, and how they coped with the difficulties that cropped up during the process.
The Peter and Paul Fortress has been immersed in myth and mystery since its earliest days – its walls still hide their many secrets and the mysteries of the darkest pages of Russia's history.
You'll find out how the first City Gates foretold the fate of the Swedish Emperor... how Rastrelli turned out to be a design partner of Shemyakin's... why Peter the Great forced Trezzini to speed up on building the bell-tower, what the secret of the Secret House is, who was actually dancing on the Dancing Meadow... and much more besides!