Around Maria de la Sede
  • 13 stops
  • 1 hour
  • 2.2 km
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In ancient mythology the city of Seville began auspiciously, founded by the great Hercules. As one of the largest cities under Roman rule, Seville was the birthplace of three of its most successful emperors: Hadrian, Trajan and Marcus Aurelius. Subsequent authors chose the city as the birthplace for many of their most beloved literary creations, such as the famous barber Figaro and the infamous libertine Don Juan. In 1519, Ferdinand Magellan departed from Seville to complete the first recorded circumnavigation of the Earth in human history. We will visit the centre of this celebrated city, where we will see the largest gothic cathedral in the world, the Royal Palace of Alcázar and the mythical quarter of Santa Cruz. As our excursion proceeds, the history of Seville will unfold before our very eyes, a city of fearless toreadors, mighty Christian kings and merciless inquisitors, intrepid explorers and femmes fatales, a city of which the Arab travellers once said: “He who has never seen Seville, has never seen a miracle”.