Around the Town Hall Square
  • 14 stops
  • 1 hour
  • 2.2 km
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Hamburg is renowned throughout Europe as the "Gateway to the World," and not merely because it is sited on the convergence of many trade routes. All through the ages, people have headed here in search of freedom. Sixteenth-century Dutch Protestants, fleeing persecution, found refuge here; later, it was Jews from Portugal, and then nobles from France. These various epochs have each left their mark on the city’s streets and districts. On our journey, we encounter the Hamburg of the seventeenth century, later ravaged by the Great Fire which began on Deichstrasse (or Dyke Street). We will find ourselves in the beautiful, rebuilt city of the nineteenth century; then, crossing the Trostbrücke (or Bridge of Solace), we will see how Hamburg was once again destroyed - this time, during the Second World War - and finally, we find out how the city looks today.

Reviews and ratings
Sep 15, 2021 Matthew VonderHaar
Good tour, but did not have info regarding st nicholas. St Nicholas audio was holzbrücke