The Charles Bridge
  • 13 stops
  • 1 hour
  • 1 km
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The Charles Bridge is one of Prague's iconic landmarks – the oldest of Prague's bridges, and one of the most magnificent examples of Gothic architecture anywhere in the world. There may be several bridges over the Vltava River – but the Charles Bridge exceeds them all not only its beauty, but also in the number of myths and legends associated with its six-hundred-year history. The fate of men, and of whole countries have hung in the balance over the bridge's arches. It's a sight which is certain to leave any visitor enthralled – beautiful in all weathers, and all seasons. Yet the Charles Bridge arouses a still more profound experience if you get the chance to visit it in the early morning or late at night, away from the thronging crowds. When we have the chance to share the bridge with only the statues of the saints for company, we feel the passing of time as the waters of the Vltava pass below our feet.